
Healthy soil – healthy future

change agriculture through carbon sequestration

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Project examples

Building Soil

Healthy soil – healthy life. Unfortunately our soils are not healthy – quite the contrary. The problems of the 21st century we face as humanity such as climate change, global health, sustainability or food security and even social inequality are all strongly linked to our soils and the way we do agriculture. Here’s a simple but effective approach

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Small garden

A property less than 3000 sqft (< 300 sqm) with poor sandy soil. Can this small piece of land in the middle of Berlin feed an adult or even a small family?We think it can! We develop agricultural techniques to built soil to a point a fertility where it is the foundation for physical and emotional health -an example for the world.

How we do that…

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Vision Statement

To unlock the potential of horticultural farming to solve the ecological predicament of mankind and improve quality of life.

Where everything starts

All complex system that work evolve from simples system that work (Galls’s law). This small garden in the middle of Berlin aims to be exactly that: A simple system that is the basis for a horticultural gardening and farming of the 21st century. An example that provides a solution for climate change, soil degeneration, civilisation diseases and our ecological predicament.

Nothing good happens unless you do it.