Why working for ForTomorrow for free

I got to know Ruth, the founder of ForTomorrow at the Future Forest Initiative in Blankenburg. Right from the start I liked the idea of compensating CO2, by planting trees and purchasing emission rights here in Germany enabling everybody to live a carbon neutral life.

As a data scientist I first of all was interested in factors influencing people to subscribe to one of the CO2 compensation models in order to target an audience accurately, get more subscribers and in the end make Europe the first CO2 neutral continent in the 21st century. This is still the thing I want to achieve, the reason for my efforts and the reason why I work ForTomorrow.

However, founded during the Covid-19 pandemic, there are still low hanging fruits to be harvested at these young Nonprofit. This is why right from the start I gravitated more in the direction of performance marketing and business development in order to meet the challenges of our time regarding climate change and CO2 compensation.

So, here I am, motivated and happy as I can possibly be, but with quite a task on hand. If you have any recommendations or criticism in the upcoming weeks, let me know – we all here at ForTomorrow appreciate your feedback!

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